Community Cleanup Day in Pike Township!!!!!
Today, Pike Twp. Fire Dept. crews, along with Trustee Annette Johnson and her office staff, spent the day recognizing Community Cleanup Day. Please take time to pick up a couple of pieces of trash and take steps to prevent littering from happening in the first place. It’s important.

Pike Township Fire Department is happy to announce the newest addition to our department, our Public Education Vehicle!
PTFD has repurposed a former ambulance and turned it into a fully-mobile vehicle for community events and education. This ambulance was designed in-house over the past year and could not have been done without the support from Trustee, Annette Johnson and a grant received by Corteva Agriscience.
Our vision for this vehicle is to provide a mobile classroom. We will keep all our educational and promotional materials on board so we’re able to attend events and use it as part of our lessons and display. The vehicle is designed so that one side has educational messaging while the other is kept clean with our Pike logo so when driving by people can easily know who we are. The vehicle is just another tool that our public education team can use to provide educational fire safety experiences for the residents of Pike Township.

The students at Eagle Creek Elementary School would like to spread love and kindness around the Pike Township Community. Please come and take a one of a kind heart to spread joy!


Many thanks to Fastenal and Mayor Joe Hogsett for the Community Job Fair on August 28th

Thanks to Student, Pike Township Resident, and Boy Scout, Andy Carson for the wonderful interview on my perspective on Covid’s impact on families in our community and what young people might be able to do to help. Also, congratulations on earning your “Citizenship in the Community” Boy Scout merit badge.

Thanks so much to Mark Clark, Executive Director of the International Marketplace for donating a check to the Dafur Women’s Ministries in Pike Township

Celebrating #NationalNightOut, where fire departments, police departments, community representatives, and neighborhoods all come together at various locations to get to know one another and help fight crime and violence. #pikefire and IMPD Northwest District met in several locations along with Trustee Annette Johnson to show their support and involvement.

A special thanks to Henry Schein Inc. for donating 50 back-to-school backpacks for the Pike Twp. community. Each is filled with school supplies to be handed out to the Pike Twp. kids in need.

November 5th, 2020– Thank You to the Northwest Masonic Lodge for dropping off two boxes of brand new toys for the Pike Township Trustee’s Office! We appreciate your donation and generosity! The toys will be given away at our Holiday Assistance event in December. What a great way to kick off the holiday season!!!