Training and Incident Safety Division

James Michalisko
Training Division Chief

Tod Parker
Media Technology Specialist
UAV Pilot

Ryan Masters
A-Shift Safety Officer

James Boros
B-Shift Safety Officer

Calvin Young
C-Shift Safety Officer

Pike Township Fire Department implements a modular training program with new recruits, as well as, the more seasoned firefighters employed at Pike Township.
This modular training system includes a Year 1 Review of learning the Federal and State laws for operating as a firefighter. Year I Module Program includes 45 State Certification Fire Engineering Firefighter I & II skills to demonstrate and practice with on-duty Pike Township Fire Department crews during the 7 months following the completion of Recruit Academy.
Year II Module Program includes achieving State Certifications in Driver Operator General, Driver Operator Pumper, Driver Operator Aerial, and Vehicle/Machinery Technician. This Years module program focuses on Driver Operator/Engineer qualifications and allows qualified personnel to drive department rescue apparatus (Engines & Ladders)
Year III Module Program includes achieving State Certifications in Fire Officer Strategies and Tactics, Fire Instructor I, Fire Officer I, and National Incident Management Systems 300 (Intermediate Incident Command Systems for Expanded Incidents) This years module program focuses on Officer Development and allows qualified personnel to be used as a ‘Ride Out’ officer.
NIMS 100 – Introduction to the Incident Command System
NIMS 200 – Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
NIMS 300 – Intermediate Incident Command Systems for Expanded Incidents
NIMS 400 – Advanced Incident Command System for Complex Incidents
NIMS 700 – Introduction to the National Incident Management System
NIMS 800 – National Response Framework

Fully Functioning Training Facility includes:
Training classroom – 25-30 seating, Mens/Womens restrooms, Washers/Dryers, Kitchen & Dining areas
The training programs we use are all regulated by National Incident Management System (NIMS). NIMS is a comprehensive, national approach to incident management that is applicable at all jurisdictional levels and across functional disciplines. It is intended to:
- Be applicable across a full spectrum of potential incidents, hazards, and impacts, regardless of size, location or complexity.
- Improve coordination and cooperation between public and private entities in a variety of incident management activities.
- Provide a common standard for overall incident management.
Fully Functioning Training Facility includes:
Training classroom – 25-30 seating, Mens/Womens restrooms, Washers/Dryers, Kitchen & Dining areas
Residential and Commercial Training areas which include:
- International Society of Fire Service Instructors 1403 Fixed Facility Certified Burn Chamber
- Multiple Forcible Entry Doors (Inward/Outward swinging)
- Standpipe and Sprinkler Fire Department Connections
- 2 Municipal hydrants
- Multiple Firefighter 1 mazes
- Commercial & Residential Roof Props
- Vehicle Extrication Props
- Confined Space Props
- Rope Rescue Props
- Driver Operator Pumper Drafting Pros
- 2 Reserve Engines
- 2 Reserve Ladders
HQ Building Training Room, with fully interactive touch screens and multiple digital screens for presentation and viewing. State of the art technology including all compatible forms of display in regards to presenting. Dedicated phone systems to allow call-ins during meetings. Streaming Video capabilities. Skype and Google Hangouts integrations.